• Official Release: BMW of North America, LLC (BMW NA) today announced it has entered into a Consent Order with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) which resolves issues raised in NHTSA’s Special Order issued to BMW NA on September 28, 2015 in regards to its execution of a MINI noncompliance recall campaign. The Consent Order also includes an admission by BMW NA that it did not comply in a timely fashion with various reporting requirements under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

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  • Aus dem motoringfile Artikel.

    Seeehr pragmatisch. :thumbup: Die Jungs könnens! In D hätte ein Hersteller 20 Jahre prozessiert.

    "Pursuant to the Consent Order, BMW NA has agreed to make a $10 million cash payment to NHTSA and to spend $10 million on enhancing internal processes and technologies to more rapidly detect emerging safety-related issues and developing increased measures to maximize recall completion rates. An additional $20 million shall be in the form of a deferred amount and held in abeyance, pending BMW NA’s satisfactory completion of the obligations in the Consent Order."

  • Es habe Mängel bei einer Rückrufaktion der Marke Mini gegeben und der deutsche Premiumautohersteller habe keine korrekten Informationen veröffentlicht, kritisiert die NHTSA am Montag. Insgesamt muss die BMW AG nun eine Strafe von bis zu 40 Millionen US-Dollar zahlen.


    Konkret geht es anscheinend um den Seitenaufprallschutz welcher nicht den Vorschriften entsprach.